Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some Quick Math

161 is 79.7% of 202.

I just wanted to clear that up, since there's been some controversy. You'd think such a statement wouldn't really be open for debate, but here we are.

Allow me to explain. $161 million is roughly the 2011 payroll of the Boston Red Sox. $202 million is roughly the 2011 payroll of the New York Yankees. And I have had quite enough of people telling me that the Red Sox spend "just as much" on their talent as the Yankees do.

Let's clear up a couple of other things, while we're at it. Spending money is good. If you have it, you should spend it. I don't fault the Yankees for spending $202 million, and I applaud them (and their massive market) for having $202 million to spend. If the Red Sox were to spend $203 million, that would not be evil or wrong, as long as they spent it effectively.

But there is a stigma associated with being the league's high-spender, and there is a tendency to lump the Red Sox and Yankees in the same category. The Red Sox and Yankees, and everyone else. (Funny, that isn't how the list reads some years, but that doesn't stop people from deciding the Sox and Yanks are the two fat-cats.) And it simply doesn't work that way.

Spending $161 million and spending $202 million is not the same thing. It's not even close. It is 20% different. It is $41 million different. It is the difference between a B- and an A+. It is the difference between a genius IQ of 155 and a middling 123. Imagine if the Yankees decided to send Mark Teixeira over to the Red Sox, for absolutely nothing in return, just because. That would just about even things out.

Let's clarify one last time, because it is easy for people to misrepresent the facts in this debate:

-Teams should spend all the money they have, guilt-free
-The Red Sox and Yankees both spend a lot of money on their teams
-However, the Yankees both possess and spend way more money than any other team, including the Red Sox, by a ridiculous margin
-Rooting for the Yankees is still evil

I do hope that clears things up. If anyone disagrees, I will happily accept 20% of your salary from now on. Don't worry, you'll still be making about the same amount of money.

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